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Inside the Forbidden Kingdom

It has now been a week since we uprooted ourselves from our old house. Come to think about it, that house was really special...

It was the first house that my wife and I stayed in as a married couple..

It was the first house my son came home to after he was born..

Three years is quite a long time by my standards, seeing as to how much we used to move around in my childhood and teenage years.

But it's time to move on.

The nostalgia of my old house can in no way compare to the euphoria of living in my very own house. Every wall is a labour of love. Every blade of grass a blessing from God. Every nook and cranny a hidden treasure just waiting to be discovered.

It's like waking up in a hotel room every single morning. I know that like a new relationship, the 'honeymoon period' is not going to last, but I'm enjoying every single moment of it to the max!

Here are some snapshots that I would like to share:

Living room. Modern concept. Lots of contrasts between white/cream and black.

Sofa that I bought last year when I thought I was supposed to move into this house last year. Sounds weird doesn't it? Well, that's what happens when developers don't deliver promptly. Don't mind that miscoloured cushion. The cover is in the wash. Got my son's milk stains.

Dining area. Imagine if you will, having breakfast at this table...Eating toast and eggs, cereal, and perhaps a steaming hot cup of tea... And all the while being treated to a view of this -

My pride and joy - my indoor garden. Hauled in the sand and planted the grass myself.

The master bedroom. Warm Balinese concept. Designed it myself :)

And last but not least the master bedroom bathroom. Complete with a little garden enclave...

Love it...

And so, that's a glimpse of my new house for you. Please feel free to drop by any time!


izzati fuad said…
beshnya! :D

i lyke the bathroom especially. hehe. nice house u have there sir. :)
Thank u Ijat... You wanna take a shower here? ;)
Missus A said…
wahhhh dah boleh gi beraya kat rumah u !!

nice house :)

Nanti datang bawak kueh ek?
azie said…
u saje letak gambar cantek2...
u saje cabar naluri kewanitaan ai..
ahahaha kawen dgn org kaya. ai beli umah besar. hias cantek2. tempek gambar dlm blog.

see, u dah trigger kegilaan ai cari suami kaya,ahahaha

tapi rumah u cantek. tu ai menitik air mata tengok..

Sesungguhnya kaya itu tidak ada kena mengena dengan jiwa artistik seorang seniman (pergh...)
Thanks ct :)
Nice of u to drop by..haven't seen u for a long time.
A t i Q a h said…
Before that, err..whats wrong with this aoc guy. Kat my blog pun ada comment sebegitu. Haih.

Oh. Oh. Oh. Cant wait to see your house live. Nak datang raya nanti boleh tak sir? Huhuhu.
I like that fact it was one of my favourite songs when I was growing up in the UK... but gotta ask u was there a point in sharing that with us? a message of any sort?

please do come when u have the time :)
Yana Ismail said…
uhuhu..cantikkknye rumah you ..nak dtgla:)huhu..

Tiba2 i pun teringin nak cari lelaki kaya. wahahahaha..gelak jahat je..hik3;p

one word...MESMERIZED..
sgt sukee~
x terkate~
Syafiq Suraji said…
first word - AWESOME
second word - BEAUTIFUL
third word - I don noe which one wud be the third coz too many words nk dscribe how nice ur house was...nway raya nk dekat da...surely we,ll come to dat forbidden kingdom...n makesure there will be duit raya too k...
Gukita said…
The joy of being in one's own house... The feeling of being coccooned in love; every wall protecting, every step on tiled floor like treading a thick Persian rug... If that feeling persist even when the paint start crumbling, the plumbing failing to deliver water, the saniraty gets choked up, the drain shouted to be cleaned.. Then you have really is in love and the house is a heaven.. Till then??? Enjoy it... hehehe

Duit raya boleh... Datang nanti basuh pinggan ya? ;)

Pakcik Ali,

I think I have a bit more time before the reality kicks in ;)
napi said…
hmm.... mcm penah kulihat dining table tuh? hmmm at a small place call pinang kuning i guess... dah x guna untuk tuition class?

Love your home man... x sabar tunggu raya 2009!

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