Every journey has a beginning, and an ending... And thus, my wonderful journey that I embarked on as a lecturer to my first Drama in Education cohort is almost coming to an end... I remember seeing them all, one by one, their faces eager to learn, but shying away in the beginning, all reserved in the small cocoons of their own little worlds... And when they opened up, one by one, I saw in them different, beautiful personalities, each unique in their own way... each finding a place in my affections...and eventually each finding a place in my heart. Yesterday night was a special night that marked the ending of this journey with them, on the one hand a sense of overwhelming pride that I had directly played a part in their journeys as teachers, building the very foundation of our nation, and even more so, as human beings, being the very essence of who they were and what they became... To commemorate this night, I sang for them... A tune that they all knew and loved... A tune that we shared...
No worries man.. I almost umderstood what you said, which means my hunger pangs are doing the same thing..
nway we missed mr abdullah already...
(Did we???)...no class 2day was
like hell...we want class...we want class...haha
It's good to be home, right Sir?;)
I am touched by your unconvincing attempts to pull the wool over my eyes...a commendable effort.
Home, sweet home...ahhhhhh....
u dah balik?
p/s: cheh, ai tak tau nak komen ape sbnrnya,ahaha
He is a great man who understood every single word you write, and more.
Selamat Berpuasa AJ, and selamat menyambut hari raya. Still in London?
1)That's the problem that I have now... It's been too long since I went back to Kelantan that my Kelantanese has fallen into disuse... Which was one of the reasons I found it harder and harder to communicate with the Kelantanese relatives...
Sometimes it is very frustrating for me...
2) How is Adie our relative?
Pakcik Ali,
Nice of you to drop by.. Do you still use your Blogger? I ask because the last post there is January 2008...
I have left Blogpot since then and migrated to Vox. http://razali.vox.com.
I find Blogspot more for serious bloggers. Initially I found mental sparring intoxicating but as workload pile up, it's sapping too much of my energy. Vox is more relax and have more facilities. Maybe I might have another go at Blogspot since my work pressure is considerably less now and I have a few things to release...just maybe